Who am I?

Approximately 10 years ago, I felt an urge to find mental and physical balance. This led to my own discovery of Yoga. Prior to that Yoga had meant something slow, uninteresting and boring for me. However, after a few visits to a studio I became fascinated with everything that was hidden under the “Yoga” expression and I needed a deeper understanding that would enhance my knowledge and allow me to know my body better.

This is where I began my yoga journey and the first certification as a yoga instructor followed shortly after (as a personal interest only at first). I have continued with my self-practice, studied yoga related material and gone through meditation experiments which eventually led to me giving private lessons.

I do not stand strictly behind one style only. I combine elements from a variety of yoga styles in my practice. That goes hand in hand with my mood, physical and mental state at that moment. I use the same approach in the class where I take into consideration the state of mind of the group, after I get to know them a little.

Dies ist das Wunderbare an Yoga – den FLUSS erleben, sich selbst beibringen LOSZULASSEN und sich von den intuitiven Bedürfnissen von Körper und Geist leiten lassen. Vielleicht wissen oder verstehen einige von Euch bereits: „Was du auf der Matte erlebst, nimmst du mit nach draußen …“

I mostly practice Vinyasa Flow but also beautifully sequenced and intensive Ashtanga or Bikram. I also like to attend Yoga Retreats where I enjoy gaining experience, finding inspiration and meeting like-minded people.

Whatever style I follow at the moment, the key elements of my practice always maintain safety and awareness. The alignment is something that comes to focus in my practice as well as in my teaching and is very important in doing healthy practice in a long run.

And of course, BREATH is something not to be forgotten! :)

Und natürlich ist der ATEM etwas, das man nicht vergessen sollte!

My hobbies, other interests:

  • Being a Mother above all
  • Travelling and languages
  • Ayurveda
  • Aromatherapy
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Feng Shui

…and all what contains movement – either physical or mental - and help me to grow and keep my body healthy…

Om Shanti